BEN Global Summit | Day 2: Leadership, Community, and Networking

October 7, 2024

The second day of the Black Employee Network (BEN) Global Summit continued to emphasize the core values that make this event so powerful: leadership, community, and networking. For many attendees, the summit was not just an opportunity to learn, but a space to truly connect and feel seen.

One participant captured the essence of the summit perfectly: “Everybody should experience a BEN Global Summit. The favorite feeling that BEN gives me when I leave is a sense of community, but also a sense of being able to be myself.”

A Place to Be Yourself

One of the unique aspects of the BEN Summit is how it allows participants to bring their authentic selves to the table—something that can often be overlooked in day-to-day work environments. Attendees spoke about how the summit gave them the opportunity to showcase parts of themselves that might not always be appreciated in the workplace: “My BEN family members really see that in me, and that is the feeling that I walk away with every time. I feel really seen, I feel really heard, and I feel loved.”

Leadership and Shared Challenges

A major theme of Day 2 was the empowerment of attendees through leadership and shared experiences. Being in a room full of people who face similar challenges and share common goals helped to foster a deep sense of belonging. As one participant noted, “Being in a room with people that think like me at this company, people that are going through similar challenges like me at this company, and mostly people that like to have fun like me at this company, I think that was really the coolest part.”

This shared energy created a space where ideas could flow freely, and where people felt comfortable thinking big, taking ownership of their talents, and contributing to something larger than themselves.

The Value of In-Person Connection

The in-person aspect of the BEN Summit added an invaluable layer of connection and engagement. Beyond networking and leadership development, attendees spoke about the lasting impact of meeting face-to-face: “It’s important for BEN to meet together in person because not only is it valuable to the people who are attending, but it’s also valuable to the communities that the people are coming from.”

The knowledge and best practices shared at the summit are not confined to the event itself. They will ripple out into the communities and workplaces of each attendee, creating positive change long after the summit ends.

Leaving a Lasting Impact

What truly sets BEN apart from other summits is its focus on leaving a lasting impact—not just on the attendees but also on the communities they touch. “It’s not just about going out and having a big group of people make boxes or this or that. I think it’s about really leaving an impact on the people that we’re out networking and interacting with.”

As Day 2 came to a close, the message was clear: the BEN Summit is more than just an event. It’s a space for creativity, leadership, and connection that goes beyond the summit itself, empowering attendees to bring back the lessons learned and make a real difference in their communities.

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