Achieving Work-Life Balance and Emotional Sobriety with Matt Seefeld

June 20, 2024
Josh Byrd


This episode of the Growthwell podcast, hosted by Josh Byrd, focuses on achieving a meaningful work-life balance. The discussion examines trends and personal strategies for balancing professional growth and individual well-being. This episode is particularly relevant in post-COVID work dynamics and the increasing importance of mental health.

This episode’s guest is Matt Seefeld, EVP & Chief Commercialization Officer at MedEvolve, Inc., and Founder of myLifeLink. The conversation covers various aspects of balancing work and personal life, the significance of service work, the impact of fitness on mental health, and the role of community support in recovery.

Takeaways from Bryd and Seefeld’s discussion include:

  • Prioritize Service Work for Personal Growth: Emphasizing the importance of engaging in service work to benefit others and enhance personal well-being.
  • Incorporate Fitness into Daily Routine: Regular exercise can increase energy levels, reduce stress, and improve performance in both personal and professional spheres.
  • Embrace the Present Moment: Focus on the current moment rather than being consumed by past regrets or future worries. This mindset can alleviate stress and lead to more intentional and meaningful interactions.

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