The Role of Video and Narrative in Empowering Sales
On the debut episode of “Scaling Up,” a show featuring Maitland’s conversations with business innovators and industry leaders, Maitland speaks with MarketScale’s own Josh Brummett, Vice President of Production to find out how video can help take sales to new heights.
The first step, Brummett said, is a simple one – you have to produce good video content to have it result in true sales enablement.
“I will say – ads are dead,” Brummett said. “If you’re making an ad-type video and trying to make a commercial to really just push what your product is immediately, people are going to get turned off by that. … What you really have to do is be able to tell a story.”
The central elements of any good narrative – key players, a conflict, and a resolution – need to be present in your video content. People want products that they can relate to and that understand their unique challenges, then work to solve them. When that central goal is accomplished, videos become a key tool in the salesperson’s toolbox for exactly that reason. As salespeople transition from pushing products and coming across as concerned with the bottom line to moving towards being able to meet potential customers where they are and exhibit how the product can solve their problems – real growth and relationships happen. As brands add in live broadcast, roundtable discussions, asynchronously recorded content, and more to deal with continued fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic, they have a well-rounded, powerful strategy for leveraging video to tell your brand’s story.
Learn more on the inaugural episode of Scaling Up.