3D Printing Technology Drastically Advances Personalized Learning and Enhances Creative Problem-Solving


As classrooms evolve to meet the demands of the 21st century, the integration of 3D printing technology stands out as a game-changer in educational settings. Weld County RE-1 School District in Colorado is at the forefront of this revolution, having introduced Mimio Robo E3 Pro 3D printers to serve its diverse body of over 1,990 PreK-12 students. This innovative step enhances STEM education with advanced technology, fostering an environment of personalized learning and creative problem-solving.

Wayne Stolzenburger, the Instructor for Construction Trades at Valley HS , Alicia Stolzenburger, a Special Education Teacher at Valley HS, Mindy Kain, an Innovative Technology Coach and Agriculture teacher at North Valley MS and Tia Morenz, a Construction Trades Teacher at South Valley MS in the Weld County RE-1 School District in Colorado share valuable insights into this transformative process using 3D printing technology. They emphasize the role of these printers in boosting student engagement and providing hands-on learning experiences that are both practical and relevant.

“These machines have actually made it a lot easier for me to instruct the students on the 3D printers due to the ease of use… It’s giving them more of an idea of what is out there as far as jobs and as far as technology,” they note.


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