Building Strong Leadership in the Education Landscape: Harnessing Effort, Focus, and the Power of a Great Team

September 16, 2024
Kevin Dougherty


Teacher retention is a growing concern in today’s education landscape. According to RAND’s 2023 State of the American Teacher Survey, 23% of teachers considered leaving the profession by the end of the 2022-2023 school year. Key factors contributing to this include stress, low pay, and overwhelming workloads. The need for strategies that empower leaders and educators to build resilience and manage these pressures has never been more urgent.

What steps can leaders take to foster resilience in themselves and others in education? How can they maintain their focus on long-term goals while navigating such high-pressure environments?

In this episode of Just Thinking by 806 Technologies, host Kevin Dougherty sits down with Jake Thompson, a leadership performance speaker, author, and coach. The conversation explores the tools and strategies leaders can use to overcome adversity, enhance personal growth, and create meaningful impact in their professional lives within the education landscape.

Key Points from the Episode:

  • Effort Over Talent: Jake emphasizes that consistent effort can surpass raw talent, referencing Angela Duckworth’s research on grit. He shares that passion and perseverance are essential to achieving long-term success.
  • Focus on Controllable Factors: Leaders often struggle with external challenges, but Jake advocates shifting energy toward what is within one’s control—attitude, effort, and actions—leading to better outcomes.
  • The Importance of Surrounding Yourself with the Right Team: Jake discusses the significance of building a support system, likening it to choosing a basketball starting lineup. Who you surround yourself with can greatly influence personal and professional growth.

Jake Thompson is a renowned speaker, leadership coach, and the author of Compete Every Day. With a focus on helping leaders in various industries, including education, he empowers them to embrace a mindset of discipline and resilience. A graduate of Texas Tech University, Jake has built a reputation for helping individuals achieve extraordinary results by outworking their talent.

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