Enhanced Learning Environments: An Opportunity in New School Building Projects


Nationally, school building projects have a budget that has a multi-billion dollar price tag, with additional billions dedicated to communications and audiovisual technologies. This significant investment, coupled with more money allocated for educational technology updates by school districts, marks a transformative period in educational infrastructure. With the stakes high, it’s interesting test to see how these newly integrated technologies enhance the design of 21st-century learning environments.

How are the latest advancements in educational technology shaping the landscape of new school building projects? This question at the heart of a new episode.

Welcome to another edition of “Unbox Innovation” by Boxlight, hosted by Michelle Dawn Mooney. In this episode, Mooney is joined by Jaime Mendez, Vice President of Infrastructure Projects for Boxlight, to discuss the impact of advanced technologies on new school building projects and the broader implications for educational environments.

A few key points of their discussion included:

  • The profound impact of technology on the design and functionality of new school building projects.
  • The role of technology in fostering a sense of community within schools.
  • How modern educational and advanced technologies contribute to enhanced safety measures during emergencies.

Jaime Mendez, Vice President of Infrastructure Projects for Boxlight. He has 26 years of experience in educational technologies. Originally from Malaga, Spain, Mendez holds an engineering degree and an MBA. His extensive background in infrastructure projects positions him as a leading expert in integrating technology into educational environments.

Article by Alexandra Simon.

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