GED Graduate to Tech Apprentice

June 18, 2024


Education and technology are becoming increasingly intertwined in this changing world. The GED is nothing short of this and has opened doors of opportunities for many of GED graduates, such as Rogelio Conde, a recent GED holder and tech apprentice. Conde’s journey encapsulates this synergy, highlighting the importance of accessible education and the transformative power of technology. With the rising need for skilled tech professionals, stories like Conde’s underscore the stakes and opportunities within this dynamic landscape.

How can a GED open doors to a tech career? 

On the latest edition of “Education Unplugged,” hosted by Vicki Greene, CEO of GED Testing Service, she delves into this pertinent question, exploring the journey of a GED graduate who leveraged his credential to break into the technology sector. Greene hears from Rogelio Conde, a GED Tech Apprentice. Together, they discussed Conde’s journey from Mexico to the United States, his educational hurdles, and his path to a tech career through the GED program.

Several main points of their discussion included:

  • Conde’s personal and educational journey, including the challenges of migrating and transferring educational credentials.
  • The impact of the GED on his career prospects and the discovery of the GED through popular media.
  • The role of the With You, With Me apprenticeship program in providing free tech training and job opportunities for GED graduates.

Rogelio Conde, a 27-year-old from Mexico, migrated to the U.S. in 2020. Despite the challenges of transferring his educational credentials, he pursued his dream of a tech career through the GED Tech Apprenticeship Program. With a background in computer science, Conde’s determination and resourcefulness have led him to a promising career in technology. His journey from GED graduate to tech apprentice showcases the transformative power of accessible education and free technology training programs.

Article by Alexandra Simon.

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