Innovative Fifth Grader Launches into STEM by Exploring Rocket Science


For an inspiring episode of Boxlight, another young mind explores the fascinating world of rocket science, showcasing the potential of STEM education. Fifth grader Tara is spotlighted and offers some insight into her hands-on experience with rocket science, rocket design, and aerodynamics.

The fifth-grade student is deeply engaged in the process of building a rocket and takes viewers on an enlightening journey. She walks through the process and intricacies of designing functional rocket components, focusing on the significance of shapes. She vividly describes her innovative approach to construction and the tools used along the way, such as 3D printing, testing rocket performance, and highlighting the practical applications of STEM learning in real-world scenarios. With guidance from her mentor, Ms. Hefner, Tara’s project not only demonstrates the joys of learning and discovery but also ignites a passion for science and engineering in young minds.

Article written by Alexandra Simon. 

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