From the GED to a PhD to the Board of Directors: A Journey of Resilience and Empowerment


As society increasingly recognizes the importance of accessible education, the story of Kellie Blair Hardt, a GED Testing Service Board Member, and GED Math Tutor, stands out as a testament to the transformative power of education and a true journey of resilience and empowerment. The GED has long been a crucial stepping stone for many seeking to improve their lives and careers, offering a gateway to higher education and better job prospects. The demand for adult education has surged in recent years, highlighting the ongoing need to support non-traditional educational pathways.

What does the journey from obtaining a GED to becoming a PhD candidate and influential board member entail? This core question frames the premier episode of Education Unplugged, where host Vicki Greene, the CEO of GED Testing Service, delves into Hardt’s inspiring story.

Show Highlights:

  • Hardt’s personal journey from facing expulsion in high school to achieving academic and professional success
  • The role of the GED in providing a foundation for lifelong learning and career advancement
  • The broader implications of adult education for societal and economic development

Kellie Blair Hardt is a GED Board Member and Math Tutor known for her dedication to adult education and learner advocacy. Having overcome significant personal challenges, Hardt’s educational journey from a GED recipient to a PhD holder embodies resilience and commitment. Her accolades include national teaching awards and significant contributions to educational boards, making her a prominent voice in adult education.

Article by MarketScale


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