The Role of Trusted Adults in Student Resilience and Wellbeing


In this episode of School Safety Today by Raptor Technologies, host Dr. Amy Grosso speaks with Melissa Kree about fostering resilience in students. Kree shares insights from her role in student mental health and school safety. The discussion emphasizes the role of trusted adults in supporting students, exploring how resilience involves ongoing support from families, educators, and communities.


  • Resilience Requires Intentional Support — Students benefit from consistent support.
  • The Importance of Trusted Adult Relationships — Trusted adults play an essential role in helping students navigate difficult experiences and build resilience.
  • Holistic Approach to School Safety — Fostering a supportive school culture and positive student well-being are essential for school safety.

Our guest, Melissa Kree is a seasoned school psychologist with over a decade of experience at Oxford Community Schools in Michigan. Since joining the district in October 2012, Kree has worked across all educational levels, from pre-kindergarten through high school. She coordinates building-level Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) teams and oversees special education evaluations. Additionally, she serves as a district-level Individualized Education Program (IEP) coach. Kree is an active member of the district’s crisis team and participates in building-level threat and suicide risk assessment teams, utilizing both Behavioral Threat Assessment and Management (BTAM) and PREPaRE models. She has been an ongoing part of Oxford’s response to the tragedy on November 30th, 2021, and works closely with the Executive Director of School Safety, Operational Technology, and Student Services to regularly review and implement policies and procedures, as well as lead building level teams in the implementation as situations arise. She serves on the district mental health/SEL committee and participates in county-level PREPaRE community of practice groups. Beyond her district responsibilities, she serves on the mental health and SEL committee of the Michigan Association of School Psychologists, advocating for the integration of mental health considerations in all aspects of school safety. Residing in Oxford with her husband and two children, Kree is deeply committed to the well-being and safety of her community.

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