Patient-Centric Care Thrives on Blending Simplicity with Technological Advances

January 22, 2024
Brian Urban


As healthcare continues to evolve, the importance of technology grows. Amidst the backdrop of a global pandemic and an increased focus on patient-centric care, healthcare professionals are grappling with the challenge of integrating advanced tech solutions while maintaining a human touch. A staggering statistic underscores this urgency: over 70% of healthcare providers have now adopted telehealth, a dramatic leap from pre-pandemic levels.

What does this tech evolution mean for the future of patient care? How are healthcare professionals balancing high-tech tools with human-centered care? These are the core questions explored in the latest episode of the “Healthcare Rethink Podcast,” hosted by Brian Urban.

Guest Lisa Blue, the Chief Clinical Officer at Providertech, offers a unique perspective on this intersection of technology and patient-centric care. The conversation delves into three key areas:

  • The transformative impact of telehealth and its role in making healthcare more accessible.
  • The potential of generative AI in healthcare, balancing innovation with patient needs.
  • The importance of basic tools in improving patient-provider communication.

Lisa Blue’s journey in healthcare, transitioning from a nurse passionate about science and people to a leader in healthcare tech, is both inspiring and impressive. Her extensive experience in various clinical settings and her role in adopting innovative technologies at Provider Tech provides a rich context for understanding the current and future landscape of healthcare tech.

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