Introducing NARCAN® Nasal Spray to Dental Emergency Medical Kits
As the opioid crisis continues to spread, HealthFirst recognizes the need for dental offices to be equipped to respond to opioid overdoses. Following the recommendation of its Medical Advisory Board, HealthFirst has added NARCAN Nasal Spray to all SM Series Basic Emergency Medical Kits. This easy-to-administer drug could save a life in your practice.
Harsh Reality of the Opioid Epidemic
The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that opioid overdoses claim an average of 115 American lives each day. This class of drug, which includes painkillers, heroin, and fentanyl, has swept the nation and caused a genuine crisis.
With two million Americans addicted to pain relievers and another 591,000 struggling with heroin addiction in 2015, this epidemic has affected people across the country of all walks of life. There’s no single type of person who becomes an addict.
Why Put This Medicine in Emergency Kits?
HealthFirst has seen evidence of opioid overdoses in the dental office. Despite your best efforts to keep patients safe, you can’t control the behavior of patients or their families. As this crisis continues, dental professionals should be prepared to address overdoses with a form of naloxone, such as NARCAN.
What is NARCAN?
NARCAN Nasal Spray contains naloxone, which reverses and stops the effects of opioids. When a patient overdoses on opioids, you can quickly administer this drug to restore breathing and stop the overdosing process. In some cases, you may need to deliver subsequent doses.
While patients may experience uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms after receiving naloxone, there are no known life-threatening side effects of this drug. When weighed against the potentially fatal effects of an opioid overdose, it’s clear that naloxone is a smart option. NARCAN Nasal Spray provides an easy way to administer this life-saving medication.
HealthFirst is proud to offer dentists the basic SM Series emergency medical kit with the life-saving drug, NARCAN. Learn more about HealthFirst’s emergency kits.