What Value Do You See Oncology Care Teams, Administrators and Patients Gaining Patient Experience Data?

January 1, 2023

Dr. Aaron Galaznik, Chief Scientific Officer of Carevive, introduces Carevive’s transformative platform, PROmpt, providing remote symptom monitoring and patient quality of life measurement during cancer treatment. Carevive’s smart data combines routinely assessed patient-reported outcomes with EMR-derived clinical data, ensuring a scalable and actionable approach to bring the patient perspective into cancer treatment.

Published studies and collaborative research with esteemed institutions like the University of Alabama at Birmingham and the University of South Alabama have demonstrated the profound impact of integrating patient-reported outcomes on patient outcomes. PROmpt enables better patient engagement, informed treatment decisions, and empowers remote symptom monitoring between visits. With granular smart data, Carevive opens new avenues for quality improvement and health services research.

Discover how Carevive’s innovative platform can elevate your organization and benefit your patients. Contact us to embark on a journey towards favorable patient outcomes and enhanced cancer care.

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