IoT Applications: Control Houses and Equipment Shelters
Companies from a variety of industries are quickly integrating the Internet of Things (IoT) into diverse aspects of everyday operations. This article considers the application of IoT in control house and equipment shelters, which enable places like police stations, hospitals, transportation hubs, and more to operate safely and consistently.
IoT Enhances the Equipment and Controls That Run Companies and Facilities
Many different kinds of buildings have specialized shelters, known as equipment shelters, for sensitive telecommunications equipment. Control towers often coincide with these sorts of facilities, as both require certain maintenance and monitoring procedures to be in place. Leveraging IoT can enhance the overall performance of these processes to ensure systems will continually operate at top efficiency.
Benefits of control houses and equipment shelters include:
- Tracking the Health of Equipment: Mission-critical equipment can be monitored remotely and in real-time, making maintenance more efficient. IoT technology can even monitor something as simple as battery voltage, which ensures any problems with equipment are detected earlier. As a result, the cost of labor devoted to regular maintenance and monitoring can be optimized to improve resource allocation.
- Monitoring the Environment: The safety of equipment can involve environmental factors like temperature, humidity, and moisture control. Real-time alerts can be vital to monitoring these factors. Safety can also involve access protocols, open doors, and motion sensors. IoT makes tracking the who, what, and when of interfacing with mission-critical equipment possible.
- Gaining Analytics for Tracking Purposes: Equipment requires power and protecting it often does, too. In addition to sensitive devices, equipment shelters can also contain monitoring tools, back-up generators, fire-suppression technology, and more. IoT monitoring solutions can accrue data for analyzing and improving the efficiency of equipment and operations.
IoT Solutions for Control Houses and Equipment Shelters
One large, multi-site national corporation serves as an example of enhancing their control house and equipment shelters with Tessco’s IoT solutions. Using tools like software management platforms, wireless sensors, and gateways, we created location-specific solutions. This corporation now has visibility, real-time alerts, and centralized management for its equipment buildings. As a result, they have saved time, labor, and cost while gaining control over the equipment’s health and safety.
Tessco’s value-added technology solutions make enhancing control houses and equipment shelters with IoT simple. We offer a wide range of services, technologies, and products in order to create customized solutions. With excellent customer service and a single vendor solution for ease of deployment and ongoing management, the health and safety of control and equipment facilities can be optimized conveniently.
Visit Tessco’s IoT solutions page to explore various offerings across all verticals.