Electrical Workshop

March 11, 2022
irfan ullah

This is the electrical workshop where the electricians do the final installation of controls in the system and electrical panel. And the sensor system and also do the final test of connections before it’s taken further on to the next station. The equipment comes from the paint shop where it gets the final paint before it ships to the customers.

Prior to the paint job, it comes straight from the mechanical workshop.

So the electrical workshop is actually the final stop.

Quality in the electrical workshop is essential as this is where the center system and control system and power supply system installed according to best practice, and it’s essential to make sure that the customers get the quality that they expect and making sure that their equipment will run smoothly throughout this lifetime.

Our electrical pens are designed to comply with the requirement for extremely low footprint of our tillers and heat pumps. Therefore, our panels are also very compact to support this.

This workshop shop is the final workshop before the equipment is taken to the final test. When the equipment has been properly installed, it will be transferred to the end-of-line test center where it will be subject to a thorough test in order to make sure that the customers get the value and performance they have bought from the factory.

The people working here in this shop are experienced people. And with their experience and knowledge, they apply decades of best practice which in the end will make sure that the customers will be enabled to reap the full benefit of the machines they have bought. The equipment will get a long lifetime and a higher uptime and a high performance throughout its lifetime.

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