Elevate Your Business

Vari helps organizations create environments that elevate people — and the mind behind the company is a bona fide entrepreneurial rock star. Jason McCann's record of success speaks for itself, and he's here to tell you how he did it. Get ready for energy and entrepreneurial insights — this is Elevate Your Business by MarketScale.


Meet Your Instructor

Jason McCann is ready to explore five key areas of entrepreneurship and success — managing growth, core values and culture, listening to your customers, innovation and evolution, and flexibility and change. Let's jump in.


The Entrepreneurial Mindset

Entrepreneurs never stop learning, and experience is their greatest teacher. McCann describes the businesses, opportunities and failures that have shaped his career.


Managing Growth

Alongside success comes explosive growth — and the growing pains that come along with scaling to match that growth. McCann shows you how to invest in keeping up.


Core Values & Culture

Your company's culture is a living, breathing thing, and everyone in the company adds to it. Studying the employees you see driving positivity and success can help you identify yours.


Innovation & Evolution

McCann isn't one to rest on his laurels, and that drive leads to greater investments in the people, technology, products and processes that continue powering success.


Learning from Crisis

Crises reveal pain points, which reveal opportunities for innovation. Don't be afraid of shifting gears to attack those openings.



What has McCann learned to this point in his journey to turn customers into fans and change the way spaces elevate people? Let's find out.



This course is drawing to a close — but how can you take what you've learned and apply it in your own organization? Take some time to discuss among your team and act on McCann's insights.