Evolution Pro Max 101 with Aspen Avionics

In this lesson, you’ll take flight with James Buck, Aspen’s Director of Flight Operations, who will lead you through this introductory course about the Evolution Pro Max.

Display Overview
Before you dive into some of the more granular features of the Evolution Pro Max, take some time to get familiar with the flight display via this comprehensive overview.

Primary Flight Display
It’s time to start getting a little further into the nitty-gritty of what the Evolution Pro Max brings to the table. In this lesson, you’ll be introduced to the primary flight display and how you can use it to streamline your flight operations and have the information you need at your fingertips at all times.

When it’s time to take off, there are some key features and settings you’ll need to be aware of and interact with to ensure you’re making the most of your Evolution Pro Max system. Learn more about them in this quick pre-flight video.

In-Flight Configurations
The Evolution Pro Max offers a wide range of configurations to match your particular flight and desired readouts. This video will show you the ins and outs on in-flight configuration, helping you make the most of your system and be as comfortable as possible in the air.

After a successful flight aided by your Evolution Pro Max, it’s time for the approach. The Evolution Pro Max has you covered there, as well, and this quick lesson will show you the different approach configurations available to you.

Shutdown Procedure
Once you’re safely on the ground, you’ll need to correctly initiate the shutdown procedure for the Evolution Pro Max. This lesson shows you how.

Thanks for flying with Aspen Avionics and Director of Flight Operations James Buck as you get familiar with your Evolution Pro Max. Stay tuned for future courses, and please contact us with any additional questions.