In Focus
A podcast by video professionals for video professionals, putting in focus the topics, teachers and tips guiding the video industry today.

How to Prepare for a Successful Career in Video Production
This is In Focus, by MarketScale. A podcast by video professionals for video professionals, putting in focus the topics, teachers and tips guiding the video industry today. With your host, MarketScale’s Sr. Director of Video Production, Josh Brummett. The job market is constantly changing, and the job qualifications that would have been sufficient five or…

Photography is a Never-Ending Learning Process
This is In Focus, by MarketScale. A podcast by video professionals for video professionals, putting in focus the topics, teachers and tips guiding the video industry today. With your host, MarketScale’s Sr. Director of Video Production, Josh Brummett. On this episode of In Focus by MarketScale, host Josh Brummett was joined by David Spector of David Spector Media, a…

Through the Lens: How Video Is Reshaping Content
The growth and opportunity of video production have fundamentally changed the concept of content. It’s a powerful marketing tool for business. Consumers spend, on average, six hours and 48 minutes a week watching online video. It’s a new frontier for business storytelling, and it works, with 93% of marketers that use it saying they gained new customers. A…

Starting and Growing Your Own Production Company
On this episode of In Focus by MarketScale, host and MarketScale Senior Director, Video Production Josh Brummett was joined by Panther City Media Owner Abigail Nelson. Fort Worth, Texas-based Panther City Media is “a group of local creatives … [whose] mission is to provide storytelling with the use of photography and cinematography efforts.” The…

Directing On Set: Sharing Your Vision to Talent and Crew
On this episode of In Focus, host Josh Brummett, MarketScale Sr. Director, Video Production was joined by MarketScale Video Production Specialist Dylan Tidmore, who has vast experience in a key aspect of any successful video production – directing on set. In particular, Tidmore leverages his experience in film and video to get the most out…

Elevating Your Image Through Lighting
Josh Brummett, MarketScale Senior Director of Video Production, hosted Duncan Johnson to discuss how to become a master of lighting. Johnson is an experienced filmmaker with a well rounded background of photography, film, and video projects. Johnson spoke to his background in the industry and his introduction to lighting and how it has shaped…

In Focus: A New Video Production Podcast
On the first episode of In Focus, host Josh Brummett sat down with fellow MarketScale creative Steve Palaia, Senior Creative Lead, to discuss the latest camera technology from Sony and Canon, the future of movie theaters, and the value of having a well-rounded background in the video industry. Palaia tackles a wide array of…