Noise Reduction


Assessing Today’s Risk and Opportunities as an AV Professional: Noise Reduction

Change. We can’t stop it, but we can decide how much, when, where, and why. The opportunity that change brings to us isn’t always obvious, but it’s always around. The risks and rewards that accompany change are both sides of the magnet – they pull is in and push us away. On this episode…

How Will The AV Industry Take Advantage of Remote Work: Noise Reduction

On this episode of Noise Reduction, a MarketScale pro audio podcast, host Collyer Spreen shared some insights regarding turning the recent remote-work and stay-at-home requirements brought on by the spread of COVID-19 into a positive for both yourself and your career. In particular, Spreen said this extended period of working from home could provide…

Why Dolby Atmos Is Enhancing Listening Experiences: Noise Reduction

On our new pro audio podcast, Noise Reduction, we chatted with MarketScale contributor and pro audio specialist Collyer Spreen. He’s just been at the National Association of Music Merchants (NAMM) Show 2020 in Anaheim, CA, which he talked about recently. Today, we asked Spreen about Dolby Atmos. Defining this technology, Spreen describes Dolby Atmos as an “immersive…

An Expert Recap of the 2020 NAMM Show: Noise Reduction

We’re kicking off a new podcast, Noise Reduction, that takes on everything pro audio. MarketScale contributor and pro audio specialist Collyer Spreen provided his take on this year’s National Association of Music Merchants (NAMM) Show 2020 held recently in Anaheim, CA. The show covers anything and everything related to making music. Collyer shared that…

From Studio Apprentice to Hoops with Prince: The Story of an Audio Engineer

Audio engineer Collyer Spreen sat down with MarketScale to talk about his career in the industry and share some of the interesting stories he has collected over the years. From starting as an apprentice in a recording studio to playing basketball in a parking lot with Prince, Collyer has some incredible stories from his…