Plug-In To Exertis Pro AV and Tech Tour


On this episode of the podcast, Host Tyler Kern talked with Christina Armstrong, Director of Global Marketing and Communications at ScreenBeam, and Ashley Flaska, Senior Vice President of Marketing at Exertis Pro AV. Exertis is the leading technology distributor of consumer, business, and enterprise products from established and emerging technology brands and a wholly-owned subsidiary of parent company DCC PLC, an FTSE 100 company.

The trio talked about the “Plug-in to Exertis ProAV & Tech Tour” coming up and the partnership with ScreenBeam. They’re taking the show on the road this year, as these events will hit regional centers across the country. Exertis partnered with vendors, including ScreenBeam, and invited all of their resellers in a specific region.

“Typically, we do ten of these throughout the year, and so we can hit all of the main regions,” Flaska explained. “We select different areas that would be metro areas in some of the bigger cities, and then we also have some mid-sized cities to make sure we incorporate the full gamut of the country within these shows.”

Obviously, the country is still under a cloud of COVID, so having these shows back in person allows for a lot of exciting opportunities. This includes the formal, in-person meeting of ScreenBeam’s reps with their Exertis reps instead of behind a screen.

The next event is on Oct. 15. in New York City.

Other dates:

Nov. 10 in Los Angeles.

Dec. 2 in Toronto.

Dec.16 in Atlanta.

Visit the site here to learn more about the events:

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