C8 Secure and Vaya Space Discuss Cybersecurity and Turnkey Solutions


Outer space is a frontier for many industries, one of which is cybersecurity. To discuss cyber solutions in outer space technologies, host Michelle Dawn Mooney invited aboard Jack Blood, the Chief Revenue Officer at VAYA Space, and Chad Ives, Sales Director at C8 Secure.

VAYA Space is a more sustainable solution for outer space exploration, removing plastic waste from the planet through recycling, and helping to put satellites in orbit more cheaply and reliably than current technologies. “The thing that makes VAYA unique is that we use the equivalent of 20 metric tons of recycled thermoplastics. That’s the equivalent of more than 2 million plastic bottles that get recycled into high-energy rocket fuel,” Blood explained.

Ives background has been in the technology and service industry for nearly two decades. He made the move to C8 because, “C8 Secure,” he said, “Is completely focused on as a cybersecurity services company.” C8 Secure revolves around taking the best factors of the company and applying them to services. This includes talking to partners and customers and bringing adherence to regulation and compliance.

Both VAYA and C8 Secure benefit from a mutual collaboration, with C8 Secure bringing significant improvement to transaction latency while providing security. Blood remarked, “We realized that this was something unique that hadn’t really been combined yet and that the space industry really needed.” The industry itself is susceptible to data network break-ins, ground station jamming, and other disruptions.

Using a cyber-secure and sustainable approach, C8 Secure and VAYA Space have a chance to go beyond traditional security, beyond terrestrial limitations, and be proactive in meeting new challenges.

“What the partnership really provides for us is for the ability for us, and for partners and customers, to be proactive with their security projects and what they’re facing from a cybersecurity perspective,” said Ives.

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