Innovating the Foundations of Industry 4.0 with Sheetal Jaitly


As new iterations of the digital environment come into play, it’s imperative to know and understand the trends helping to shape them. Host Daniel J. Litwin invited Sheetal Jaitly, CEO of TribalScale, to the show to talk about the trends shaping industry 4.0 and the future of telecommunications.  

Edge computing and 5G are two big-name technologies preparing for the future digital environment. These technologies are evolving significantly, shaped by human needs and wants. Public calls for investment in edge computing poise the two technologies make vast improvements to telecommunications.  

Jaitly observed that business leaders are starting to realize the need to prepare for the future and leverage technology to build personalized solutions. He said, “The things that we thought were impossible are now being shown to us that they can be possible. So, the right leaders are demanding, ‘Hey, what can I do?'” 

Enterprises across many topics are engaging with technology in new ways. Several high-profile use cases for technology like 5G and blockchain – namely cryptocurrency success, among others, have proved and validated ROI success. Jaitly noted that if these technologies were to be implemented, even in a minimal way, to current issues like the supply chain, it would likely help save billions. He said, “I think a lot of the start-ups and a lot of them, even enterprises out there, are really trying to figure out ‘How can we solve the problems of the future?'” 

With a need for new technologies in place, only time will tell how and when they will be implemented.  

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