Experience Threading: Powered by Threadfin
The customer experience is defining company strategy for virtually every industry. The idea of creating an experience that meets company goals goes well beyond environments such as retail stores or sports venues. It’s just as important in the B2B world and even more so in highly competitive markets. Bryan Harris, VP Sales & Marketing at Threadfin and Diane Magers, Founder and CEO at Experience Catalysts are keenly aware of the importance of the customer journey in attracting and retaining clients and customers.
So what exactly is “experience threading?” “It’s really exciting to be talking about experience threading. We at Threadfin, we define experience threading as a systematic process and approach to really center on the human side of driving digital technology. We think about experience threading as a process to help our customers accelerate their business outcomes,” said Harris.
Harris continued to talk about what problems it helps solve. For Threadfin, when customers move to the cloud, they need to find a way to get value from the cloud as quickly as possible which helps maximize the return on investment. Threadfin helps drive “value through an experience-based process” which improves the overall experience while driving costs down.
Magers expanded on the idea of experience threading, “It’s all about starting with the human… we see a lot of organizations that get the technology and plug that in and then they just hope that’s it’s gonna get adopted, they hope that it really meets the needs of customers. All we’re really doing is turning that on its head. We’re saying let’s create the experience and understand the needs of the customers and employees and then let’s design the technology to enable and support that.”
It really does make sense to begin with deeply analyzing and pulling apart the various elements of the need before deciding on what solution(s) will be the best overall. And there are many use cases these two experts can share. Magers spoke about one such use case when they worked with a company after acquiring several new companies.
There was a need to merge the companies together and have everyone working within the same system. It required a complete overhaul of existing systems. They brought together a team to gather information and insights into what employees and customers needed to inform the design of the new cloud-based system. The purpose – identify what will drive value for both employees and experiences and then enable it with tech. Some of the benefits seen included customers being able to find products more easily and the ability to bring new customers on board more quickly.