Hershey’s Technology Allowed It To Adapt During the COVID Pandemic


In many ways, Hershey lives up to its billing as America’s sweetest town.

But bad things happen, even in a world built around chocolate and one that founder Milton S. Hershey worked to make sure would be just and enjoyable for his workers and visitors alike.

That’s why Hershey also has a team of security professionals, headed up by Jason White, Managing Director, Corporate Safety and Security for Hershey Entertainment & Resorts. White said the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001 made the company realize they needed to make guest safety more of a priority in an era in which security camera use was still negligible and no guest screenings were conducted at entry points.

“Once we, as a society, began to recognize these risks or threats, Hershey fell in line. We elevated our security posture over the year, and we have really tried to leverage technology the best we can to provide a safe environment while, at the same time, ensuring that the guest experience does not get diminished,” White said.

The coronavirus pandemic has posed a different challenge, with the park working to prevent the spread of the deadly virus while still providing something of an oasis during a difficult time.

The park’s requirements, which include face coverings and temperature screenings, go beyond local regulations, which means it’s critical for those regulations to be communicated clearly and in a pleasant way to make sure everyone is on the same page.

“It goes back to setting that very clear expectation for the guest of, if you want to come in and enjoy these amenities and have this fun time, these are the rules you need to follow while you’re here,” White said.

Technology helps in those areas, as well, whether it be software tools helping monitor crowd flow or utilizing Evolv units for a touch-free search experience meant to keep guests and employees safe and healthy.

About Evolv Technology

Founded in 2013, Evolv Technology is the leader in human security solving the security screening problems of today with the most innovative technology and thinking. Evolv makes it possible for venues of all kinds to keep visitors and employees safe from concealed weapons, pandemic health threats and intruders.

Digital transformation is unlocking efficiency and value everywhere as organizations reimagine archaic processes and technology, better equipping themselves with interoperable and flexible capabilities. Within the Digital Threshold vision, venues and facilities can intelligently use data to create a frictionless experience for guests and employees. The result is an entry process that enhances the overall experience instead of diminishing it as it so often does today. Making weapons screening faster and more precise is part of the Digital Threshold vision, but it’s just the beginning.

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