Next-Level Gaming: The Future of Immersive Experiences

The gaming industry is evolving rapidly, driven by technological advancements and strategic partnerships that enhance the gaming immersive experience. On the latest episode of The Edge & Beyond podcast, Michelle Dawn Mooney is joined by Camilo Dennis, Gaming Partner & Ecosystem Manager at Intel, alongside Keith Watt, Global Product Sales Manager, and Craig Stapleton, Product Director, both from Advantech Gaming Solutions. Together, they explore how their collaboration is reshaping the gaming industry by addressing customer needs, improving time-to-market, and creating cutting-edge gaming solutions.

Keith Watt highlights, “Advantech’s expertise, combined with Intel’s technology, allows us to optimize products for gaming, offering reliability, scalability, and immersive graphics solutions tailored for slot machines.” Craig Stapleton further emphasizes the importance of their longstanding partnership, “Intel’s early access to technology roadmaps enables us to align our product development cycles, ensuring we deliver the latest and most effective gaming hardware.”

Camilo Dennis underscores Intel’s commitment to supporting the gaming segment, “We have a dedicated team focused on casino gaming, ensuring long-term product availability and stability for our partners. Our collaboration with Advantech is instrumental in pushing the boundaries of gaming technology.”

Listeners gain insights into the trends shaping gaming technology, including multi-screen immersive experiences and expanding opportunities in markets like Brazil. The guests invite everyone to visit their booth at G2E in Las Vegas to witness the latest advancements firsthand.

For an in-depth exploration into the future of gaming, listen to the podcast and connect with the guests:

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