The Need For Connectivity In Stadiums
Going to a sport’s event is a tradition and necessary for hardcore sports fans but younger people are having a hard time to go to an actual stadium and stay through the entire game or going at all according to an article by Teena Maddox for tech The internet has changed the way people communicate and people are on their phones more than ever before. Sports teams realize technology is apart of peoples lives that they decided to incorporate and embrace it to lure younger people back into stadium seats after a lot of them leave due to low connectivity or a shortage of power for their phones. Integrating purchasing, social interaction etc., through embedded free wi-fi, they figured this would be a way to get you to come, stay and join the communal nature of a game. But this is not going to work, there is another reason why more younger people don’t attend games as much. Yes, millennials, including myself , are constantly on our phones but free wi-fi isn’t going to cut it. The sheer price of these games are what are turning us away. I live in Dallas and the average price to a Dallas Cowboys game from 2017 was 248 dollars, and thats just a ticket. With live streams of games, why leave the house at all. Adding these features to connect to a younger audience will jack up the price overall and be counteractive to what they are trying to accomplish. It’s a business, it’s important to appeal to younger generations, but they need figure out better way than this or they will stay home for good given the access to live coverage of games on the internet.