Technology – Oosto

Proactive Strategies for High-Stakes Environments: Technology, Training, and Tactics

high-stakes environments

In high-stakes environments where the cost of failure can be catastrophic, proactive strategies are paramount. Whether it’s universities, hospitals, or corporate institutions, organizations face escalating threats that require advanced technology, rigorous training, and effective tactics. Recent security trends underscore the necessity of comprehensive approaches to safeguard these environments. High-stakes environments increasingly adopt integrated solutions…

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aviation radios
Icom Aviation Radios Stand Out at 2024 EAA AirVenture Oshkosh for Dependability and Cutting-Edge Technology
September 16, 2024

At the 2024 EAA AirVenture Oshkosh, Icom solidified its reputation as a top choice for pilots, showcasing its innovative handheld and panel-mounted radios. Designed with pilots in mind, Icom’s aviation radios are celebrated for their durability, reliability, and ease of use, making them a go-to for aviators around the world. One attendee praised the…

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The Rise and Rise of Retail Media Networks
September 16, 2024

Retail media networks (RMNs) are transforming the advertising landscape by enabling retailers to leverage their first-party data to directly connect with consumers. In a recent episode of What Just Happened on MarketScale, host Christine Russo spoke with Brian Gleason, CRO & President of Retail Media at Criteo, and Kristi Argyilan, VP of Retail Media at…

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pediatric gastroenterologist
Mind Body Connection in Food and Healthcare with Pediatric Gastroenterologist Dr. Mazen Abbas
September 16, 2024

Dr. Mazen Abbas is a Pediatric Gastroenterologist based in Hawaii, committed to blending the knowledge of Western medicine with traditional healing practices. Dr. Abbas’s journey is one of continual learning, from his medical training in osteopathic medicine to his current efforts in integrative health. Through his work, he aims to provide comprehensive care that…

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National GED Day
Celebrating National GED Day
September 16, 2024

In the newest episode of Education Unplugged, host Victoria Velez, alongside guests Vicki Greene and Ted Mitchell, celebrates the inaugural National GED Day, spotlighting the critical role of the GED program in shaping diverse educational and professional landscapes. This discussion intricately examines the biases against non-traditional educational paths and the untapped potential of GED learners…

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