Innovative Recruitment is Helping the Transportation and Logistics Industry Overcome Shortages

August 29, 2024
Mike Bush


The transportation and logistics industry is undergoing significant transformation, driven by evolving market demands and technological advancements. As it becomes a routinely competitive landscape, companies are finding it more challenging now to attract and retain top talent. According to a report, around 64 percent of logistics companies are experiencing a shortage of qualified candidates. However, some transportation recruitment agencies are addressing these challenges with innovative strategies.

What are the most effective ways for transportation companies to find, train, and retain top talent in today’s competitive job market?

On this segment of “Hammer Down,” host Mike Bush was joined by Morgan MacDermaid, Senior Recruiter at Journey, to discuss the intricacies of talent acquisition in the transportation and logistics sector. Together, they also looked at how Journey has a unique approach that helps companies navigate the complexities of recruiting, training, and consulting in this dynamic industry.

Their conversation also covered:

  • Journey’s three-pronged approach via recruitment, training, and consulting as core services Journey provides to help logistics companies thrive.
  • MacDermaid emphasizing that in the logistics industry, skills can be taught, but passion and personality are essential for success.
  • Insights on how Journey helps clients adapt to shifts in transportation and logistics, and prepares them for future challenges.

Morgan MacDermaid is a Senior Recruiter at Journey with extensive experience in the logistics industry. She began her career in supply chain by accident but quickly climbed up due to her unique approach and dedication. She also has a background that spans recruitment, marketing, and consulting, and MacDermaid is known for her dynamic presence and innovative strategies in talent acquisition.

Article by Alexandra Simon.

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