The Correlation Between New Shipping Standards & Fluids Testing with Jim Paladino of Perceptive Sensors
Many businesses, such as oil and gas, have challenges documenting and validating fluids during shipping and transport to the final destination. Because of this, there are opportunities and applications abound for nondestructive fluids testing that can offer quality checks, validation and a digital footprint of results at any step of the supply chain. Jim Paladino, COO & CFO at the Tucson, AZ-based start up Perceptive Sensor Technologies shares his experience with fluids testing and talks about the plethora of applications for such testing. “Knowing what fuel you have going into certain places or just knowing what came off a truck in a logistics viewpoint, that’s very important to people,” Paladino said.
Paladino also discusses regulations such as IMO2020 and the impact it may have on the maritime industry. By Jan. 1, 2020, all ships will need to use low-sulfur diesel; right now they’re allowed to run 3.5 percent sulfur fuel, but moving forward that number dips to .5 percent sulfur fuel. Either that, or ships will have to overhaul their entire exhaust systems with scrubbers. With these industry changes, fluid testing sees a potential for a more ubiquitous role in the transportation industry.
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