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Standardization Among Companies Will Be The Quickest Pathway Towards a More Stable Digital Twin System
Sean Dotson - August 30, 2023The concept of a "digital twin"a virtual replica of a physical system or objectisn't new, but it's experiencing a renaissance, thanks to rapid advances in technology. While the buzzwords are plentyvirtual commissioning, virtual FAT (Factory Acceptance Test), and so onthe reality is that the field is still in flux, a blend of potential and challenge.
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Unlocking Automation: Revolutionizing B2B Manufacturing Processes
Sean Dotson - May 1, 2023We're excited to share the latest episode of our podcast where we dive deep into the world of automation and its game-changing impact on B2B manufacturing. Sean Dotson, Co-founder of Automatika and formerly Founder and CEO of RND Automation shares his decades of trial and error, and provides a masterclass on getting started with automation.
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