Beyond the Classroom

At Centric Learning, we believe every student deserves a high-quality education. This is Beyond the Classroom, a podcast where we share our passion for education and celebrate the unique ways we all learn and grow.


Creating Future Ready Schools: Beyond the Classroom

On this episode of Beyond the Classroom, Host Tyler Kern discussed future-ready learning with Ron Stefanski, Executive Director, Strategic Partnerships at Centric Learning, and Dr. Kevin Brown, Executive Director of Texas Association of School Administrators, which advocates on behalf of all the administrators in the state of Texas. As the son of two educators,…

Insights on the Past, Present and Future of Higher Education

Dr. James Smith is the 23rd President of East Michigan University. Dr. Smith’s education focus is on EMU students’ futures, not the past, because what they do in life with that education experience will make the world a better place. He joined host Tom Watkins to talk about his efforts and the education landscape as…

Beyond the Classroom: Rethinking What’s Normal in Education

In terms of the COVID-19 pandemic, an often-discussed notion is getting things back to normal. But in children’s education, what if normal was never good enough? What if, along with this pandemic, comes an opportunity to create a better normal? Technology and other learning tools could provide an accelerated and personalized learning experience for students….

Beyond the Classroom: Educational Reform in a Post-Pandemic World

Although no one can argue that the COVID-19 pandemic has set back education and student learning for months, if not years, there is still some good that has come out of our current situation. Now, educators better understand how to implement new technology into their lessons and how to better help students that may require…

Why Getting “Back To Normal” Isn’t Enough For Education

There has been a mantra of sort that has pushed leaders in all industries forward during the difficult moments of the COVID-19 pandemic: Back to normal. That has extended to the field of education, where getting kids back into the classroom and having things feel like they did at the end of 2019 has been…

Transforming The Future Of Education Through Student Engagement And Personalized Learning

As the world continues to wage a war against the coronavirus, American students struggle to keep up with their lessons and maintain a quality education. Although there are many teachers putting in their utmost effort to uplift their students, the fact is that there are still some that fall through the cracks of our educational…