Bricks and Clicks
Jennifer Kaylo Ruscin guides retailers to be the hero and navigate the industry's biggest B2B challenges online and offline.

Last Call for Walmart’s Open Call
Jennifer Kaylo Ruscin guides retailers to be the hero and navigate the industry’s biggest B2B challenges online and offline. Walmart’s Open Call (Formerly Made In The USA Summit) accepts applications through April 30. What is Walmart’s Open Call? “Open Call is an action packed one day virtual event. Walmart welcomes suppliers to virtually pitch product that…

How The Content Pros Use SEO And Content To Sell
Jennifer Kaylo Ruscin guides retailers to be the hero and navigate the industry’s biggest B2B challenges online and offline. All companies rely on content to get their message to the world. It comes in many shapes in forms: blogs, emails, Instagram, Twitter, web pages. But, what exactly is content, SEO and how do you make yours…

Quick Tips on Email Marketing
Jennifer Kaylo Ruscin guides retailers to be the hero and navigate the industry’s biggest B2B challenges online and offline. Email marketing continues to be one of the best channels for ROI, with each $1 spent generating $38 in revenue. It can be a great tool to reach a variety of goals, so why not just dive in…

How to Sell a Product Concept to Retailers
Jennifer Kaylo Ruscin guides retailers to be the hero and navigate the industry’s biggest B2B challenges online and offline. Host Jennifer Ruscin shares her insights on how to make an impact in retail buyer meetings without an actual product. Ruscin has extensive knowledge of the process. She’s successfully helped companies sell millions of dollars of products…

Making Aligned Choices in Business and Life
Jennifer Kaylo Ruscin guides retailers to be the hero and navigate the industry’s biggest B2B challenges online and offline. Here’s a shocking fact—humans make over 35,000 choices a day! While some are mundane, others are complex and impact every area of life. Bricks and Clicks host Jennifer Ruscin spoke with Melissa Bauknight about making aligned choices….

How Brands Can Drive Action on Social Media
Jennifer Kaylo Ruscin guides retailers to be the hero and navigate the industry’s biggest B2B challenges online and offline. Did you know that Pinterest is more than just pins and aspiration content? It can drive website traffic and sales with the right approach. Bricks and Clicks is tackling everything Pinterest as host Jennifer Kaylo Ruscin welcomes expert Jennifer Priest, owner…

Maximize Your Productivity by “Rejecting the Hustle”
Jennifer Kaylo Ruscin guides retailers to be the hero and navigate the industry’s biggest B2B challenges online and offline. Influencers and entrepreneurs like Gary Vee often tout a singular strategy — hustle until you make it. If you think you’re working hard, you’re not. If you don’t think you can work any harder, you can….

Taking Advantage of Renewed Growth in 2021
Jennifer Kaylo Ruscin guides retailers to be the hero and navigate the industry’s biggest B2B challenges online and offline. As a new year begins and we put 2020 behind us, many of us are searching for ways to get back to contentment, peace and growth. I’ve been able to successfully manifest exactly what I want…

Navigating Price Increases in Retail and Big-Box Stores
Jennifer Kaylo Ruscin guides retailers to be the hero and navigate the industry’s biggest B2B challenges online and offline. Bricks and Clicks lives on the cutting edge of retail, and host Jennifer Kaylo Ruscin shared some insights on the latest episode about getting price increases accepted and avoiding dreaded store counts with easy-to-avoid stumbles. Kaylo…

Bringing Thankfulness to Your Retail Relationships
Jennifer Kaylo Ruscin guides retailers to be the hero and navigate the industry’s biggest B2B challenges online and offline. Today I’m joined by my husband Derek, and I’m so excited to have him on the show! By day he hosts a 3 hour sports talk radio show called The Ruscin & Zach Show, all about…

Reshaping Black Friday
Jennifer Kaylo Ruscin guides retailers to be the hero and navigate the industry’s biggest B2B challenges online and offline. COVID-19 continues to reshape how people shop, and in turn, it’s sure to reshape traditions this holiday season. Let’s Talk Thanksgiving and Holiday Celebrations According to Butterball, the number of consumers who plan to host extended…

5 Ways Brands Can Prepare for Holiday Sales
An unpredictable year calls for an unpredictable holiday season. This week host Jennifer Kaylo Ruscin sits down with Marketing and Analytics Expert Bill Sinacore to discuss how retailers can prepare for the holiday season. More Sale Items, More Often Sinacore has seen up to a 20% decrease on discretionary spending due to the higher unemployment rate…

5 Ways to Position Your Retail Brand
On this episode of Bricks and Clicks, host Jennifer Kaylo Ruscin shares her top five tips for establishing a social media presence and gaining an audience. 1. Show Up – Start posting. It can be as simple as a meme (people freakin love memes) or a quote. Or maybe it’s something from your industry. As you build your courage,…

5 Ways to Get Ready for Prime Day
Today marks the shift into the last quarter of the year. 2020 has had its share of challenges but, in the homestretch of the year, there are numerous opportunities to be had in the world of retail. Jennifer Ruscin, host of Bricks and Clicks, walks listeners through her tips for how your brand should prepare…

3 Ways to Increase Revenue
2020 has been a chaotic year, to say the least. For Jennifer Ruscin, host of Bricks & Clicks, navigating this year has cemented a practice in taking care of herself, something that has proven imperative to maintaining a healthy grasp of herself, her company, and her family. The effects of self-care are far-reaching, rippling…

How Authenticity Sells Your Brand
If you’ve ever made a purchase because of a social media post, then you know first hand how good photography can help increase sales and find ideal shoppers. Lifestyle photography in particular is attracting shoppers, partly due to the rise of social media influencers who deliver organic content, and ads, through lifestyle photography that their…

How to Get into Walmart
Selling into the world’s largest retailer is no easy task. However, Bricks and Click host Jennifer Kaylo Ruscin has a few tips and tricks up her sleeve to help you get there. On this episode of Bricks and Clicks, Ruscin shares insights gleaned from her 15 years of retail experience and breadth of…

Retail Pivots as Buyers Shop from Home
No industry has been harder hit by the coronavirus pandemic than retail. So how has retail adapted, and does working-from-home fit into retail work? “Bricks and Clicks” host Jennifer Kaylo Ruscin explores how retail buyers are pivoting to online work and what that looks like for both the buyer and the product seller. She…

6 Ways to Win on eComm: Bricks and Clicks
Today I’m interviewing Betsy McGinn of McGinn eComm, former ecommerce director for Seventh Generation, and other various capacities at some of the world’s largest food CPG’s like Hain Celestial Group and Tazo Tea. With over a decade of eComm CPG experience, Betsy authored The Amazon Roadmap book (available on Amazon!), and serves as a…

Lowering Your Advertising Cost: Bricks and Clicks
Retail spans both brick & mortar and ecommerce. So how do you optimize both to excel? The overarching goal of any retail organization is to get more profit in your pocket, and lowering your Amazon ACoS is a tried-and-true way to work toward that outcome. Today, I’m covering three ways you can do just…

Defining Legal Liability in the New Normal: Bricks and Clicks
So many industries are turning to virtual collaboration in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. From telemedicine to critical board meetings and more, the world’s businesses are finding ways to succeed even when separated by distance. And the legal industry is no different. On this episode of Bricks and Clicks with Jennifer Kaylo Ruscin,…

Gratitude, Empathy & Mindfulness in Retail: Bricks and Clicks
With so much going on in the world these days, it’s important to stay positive and grounded. On today’s Bricks and Clicks podcast, Mike Allsup teaches us a method called GEM, which stands for Gratitude, Empathy and Mindfulness and emphasizes slowing down, being grateful for what we have and creating space to allow us to see the sweetness…

How to Create a Referral Program that Fuels Sales Growth: Bricks and Clicks
What if you could build out a referral partner network that brought your PERFECT customer or client to you? No more wining and dining and woo’ing and pleading to get customers to pay for your services or items. No more efforting. Yes, I just made that word up. Today I’d like to talk about…

From Instagram to TikTok, How Retailers Should Use Social Media: Bricks and Clicks
Welcome back to another Bricks and Clicks podcast! Today, I’m interviewing Erin Phillips of Pinckney Palm, a social media agency out of North Carolina. When I have questions about social media marketing, advertising and content creation, she’s my go-to-gal. Today, we’re talking about Instagram’s dominating viewing presence, Facebook relevance and what the heck TikTok is. I…

How to Reach Your Customers During Lockdown: Bricks and Clicks
Today on Bricks & Clicks, we’re going to talk about the positives and negatives of the Coronavirus on retail. In episode 1, I talked about 6 Ways to Protect Your Product-Based Business During the Coronavirus Outbreak One of the things I suggested was to create delivery options because traditional transportation might not be available….

Using Stories to Sell Your Brand: Bricks and Clicks
Want to attract your ideal customers and clients to your brand? First you must STOP asking people to buy your product. Sound counterintuitive? It’s actually not. Storytelling is as old as the first humans on this planet, and it’s our preferred method of digesting information. Storytelling bonds us to the storyteller, and makes us…

The Current Landscape of Retail & What to Do About It: Bricks and Clicks
Shoppers are homebound in what is currently a voluntary isolation. Within the past week toilet paper, paper towels, pain relievers, masks and more are completely out of stock. Online is sold out too. We are weeks out, best case scenario, at being able to replenish our pantries. I know that every morning I personally…

6 Ways to Protect Your Product-Based Business During the Coronavirus Outbreak: Bricks and Clicks
On the first episode of Bricks and Clicks, a new podcast show with host Jennifer Kaylo Ruscin, we’ll break down… Utilizing Amazon for immediate distribution. Mastering selling on your own website. Creating a subscription model. Delivery options when traditional transportation isn’t available. How to ensure you have enough inventory for high online sales demand….