Hash It Out

Got a bold business opinion? Bring it to Hash It Out. A thoughtful but no-holds-barred show for hot takes and constructive discussion for the professional business world.


IMF Says Crypto Isn’t Fit to Become Legal Tender; Are They Right or Wrong?

The International Monetary Fund has taken a bold stand regarding crypto, the increasingly popular alternative currency — it’s not fit to become legal tender or official national currency, coming off the heels of El Salvador’s bitcoin announcement. What does this mean for the currency’s future, and does the IMF’s background in Latin America add…

Deliveries Slow Down as Economy Reopens for Business

Deliveries saw a huge spike during the pandemic, with shoppers locked indoors and companies working harder than ever to accelerate ecommerce strategies to usher in a new era of doing business. Now, though, with reopening progressing, some of those elevated numbers are regressing to the mean — or worse. What does this mean for…