Safety Justice League
Safety nerds looking for better ways to keep workers safe. Presented by Jason Lucas, Abby Ferri, and Jason Maldonado.

Shedding Light on the Upcoming Safety 2022 Conference and Expo
The Safety 2022 Conference and Expo is just around the corner. This year’s event will be held June 27-29 at McCormick Place (West) in Chicago, IL. Lauren Bauerschmidt, Manager of Standards Development for ASSP, and Stephanie Gurnari, Volunteer Leader for ASSP, joined the Safety Justice League to shed some light on the much-anticipated event….

Safety is Comfort and Comfort is Confidence
A question recently posed to the Safety Justice League was along the lines of why continue in safety. Perhaps there were heroics needed in another line of work. Jason Lucas knows why he stays in the game, and it’s all about comfort. Comfort doesn’t mean complacency. In this case, Lucas knows that his experience…

Will Micro-Learning Be the Way for Companies to Offer Training Needs in a Cost-Effective Manner?
Welcome to the Safety Justice League podcast where hosts connect audiences with safety experts across industries and services. In this episode, hosts Abby Ferri, Jason Maldonado and Jason Lucas enjoy the podcast’s two-year anniversary with reflections on where they started and where they are in concert with the evolution of safety training. It was in the spring of…

One Startup Wants to Fill the Safety Gap Left in Social Media Platforms
Welcome to the Safety Justice League podcast where hosts connect audiences with safety experts across industries and services. In this episode, hosts Abby Ferri, Jason Maldonado and Jason Lucas connect with the founder of the Safety Knights, David Jaenike, to discuss how the idea came to be and what the app is all about. Janikey spoke to the need…

Who Do Experts Turn To When They Have Questions?
It’s coming up on two years since the Safety Justice League formed their mighty alliance to bring their show to the podcasting world. Trying to make the world a safer place, one episode at a time is no easy feat. Still, looking back at the past couple of years, Abby Ferri, Jason Maldonado and Jason Lucas are…

Rethinking How We Share Stories to Ensure We Don’t Lose Our Audience
On this episode of Safety Justice League, hosts, Abby Ferri, Jason Lucas, and Jason Maldonado continue their series of reflecting on past podcasts. Today, the three look back on their episode with Tamsen Webster, “the good idea lady,” and consider how they can better share their stories to cater to the needs of their audience….

What Defines “Success” for Safety Personnel?
The Safety Justice League is back and refreshed after a much-needed, restful holiday season. Jason squared (Jason Maldonado and Jason Lucas) joined Host Abby Ferri to dive into what success looks like for safety personnel and how mindset matters. Contrary to societal beliefs, Lucas and Maldonado know that title isn’t what matters. It’s making whatever…

How the Change in Reasonable Suspicion Policies Could Impact Employers
Reasonable suspicion for drug testing on the job changed recently under the new administration. To cover what’s new and provide tips for employers, Safety Justice League welcomed Adele Abrams, an attorney focusing on OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration), MSHA (Mine Safety and Health Administration), and employee safety. “Reasonable suspicion is a hot topic again under a new…

What to Keep in Mind as the Holidays Approach
The holiday season is here, filled with many days to celebrate. The hosts of Safety Justice League, Jason Lucas, Abby Ferri, and Jason Maldonado, treated listeners to their second annual holiday special episode. The hosts shared anecdotes, traditions, memories, and more. The holidays bring times of cheer but can also raise the risk of some safety-related…

Changing Work Site Culture to Be More Vocal About Safety
Commentary: Fall protection and safety are critical aspects of any job that requires heights. The most critical component is the harness. However, it’s not just the product and design that matter. Communicating real-world safety scenarios and getting everyone to talk about them is essential, as well. Safety Justice League welcomed Alex Hogan, Strategic Sales…

Correcting the Behavior Behind Distracted Driving
There are many aspects of the safety landscape. Most happen within a facility, but driving is different. It’s also an area that has the propensity to endanger many lives. To prevent distracted driving, individuals must understand the behavior behind it to change. Offering insights on the topic is expert Carly Baez, Safety Manager II at Kitchell,…

Psychological Health: The Often Hidden Side of Supporting a Healthy Workplace
Health and safety on the job are about more than the right equipment and training. Mental wellbeing is now just as important and finally something no longer taboo. The Safety Justice League hosts welcomed Deri Latimer to share her expertise on the subject. She is an author, speaker, and consultant who offer insights on psychological wellbeing,…

An Executive Coach Gives Steps on How Your Team Can Own Their Responsibilities
Health and safety are pillars of most industrial workplaces; however, having a strategic plan to guide this vision often doesn’t exist or isn’t achievable. Discussing how to refocus and plan, Safety Justice League welcomed returning guest and executive coach Subena Colligan. Colligan, a formal industrial hygienist, has her own consulting and coaching company, S. Colligan…

Adjusting the Way We Approach an Injured Worker
A new term was coined to illustrate those that use their body for work—an industrial athlete. With this new designation comes new ways to think about the healing and recovery process when workers get hurt at work. Joining the Safety Justice League hosts, safety expert Rachel Walla and physical therapist Chantel Gorton talked about this…

What EHS Professionals Can Expect from Safety Connect
On this episode of the Safety Justice League, Hosts Jason Lucas, Abby Ferri, and Jason Maldonado talked with Jamie Young, Co-Founder & COO, Safeopedia, and Scott Cuthbert, CEO, Safeopedia, a comprehensive online resource for safety professionals and decision-makers. The group talked about this year’s Safety Connect. While the hosts thought things might be back…

Safety Justice League Podcast Moves to MarketScale
Safety Justice League, a podcast from and for safety professionals, moved to the MarketScale platform. In their debut show on the platform, hosts Jason Lucas, Abby Ferri, and Jason Maldonado updated fans old and new about their new endeavor. “We had been around other opportunities but waited to find the right partner,” Lucas explained….
Bonus Clips

SJL Presents Frank King, The Mental Health Comedian
Comedy and depression may seem opposite, but Mental Health Comedian Frank King spoke with the Safety Justice League crew about how he has paired them. King first tasted comedy in fourth grade when he told a joke in class. In high school, he won the talent show with standup comedy. Later, King earned a degree,…

Employers Can Be The Vehicle of Change for On-Duty Distracted Driving
Commentary: The cost of motor vehicle crashes involving company vehicles is pricier for employers than you might think. According to a report by TrafficSafety.org, car crashes cost them over $47 billion, with employers on the hook for accidents that happen both on and off the job. But, how can this be prevented? Safety expert…

How to Keep Safety First During a Skilled Labor Shortage
Labor shortages have been a constant challenge across a number of industries. Which poses a really interesting question: How do hiring challenges affect the potential safety conditions of a company? To get some insight into this question MarketScale called upon one of the hosts of the Safety Justice League podcast, Abby Ferri, to give some…

How to Hire Without Compromising Jobsite Safety
Labor shortages have been a constant challenge across a number of industries. Which poses a really interesting question: How do hiring challenges affect the potential safety conditions of a company? To get some insight into this question MarketScale called upon one of the hosts of the Safety Justice League podcast, Jason Lucas, to give some…