
Brent Smith

Northeast Vice President Sharecare

Brent believe's that healthcare should be simple, so he works with large plan sponsors to create an easy way for their employees and their families to have all their health and benefits in one place. Knowing and sharing the lastest trends is a passion for Brent, which is why he authors and shares with all his contacts The Healthy Bottom Line - News for Employee Benefits Professionals. His role as Vice President for Sharecare enables him to provide organizations a single comprehensive platform that can be custom configured to house all their health, well-being, healthcare navigation, and benefits navigation.

Bachelor of Arts - Geography 2002-2006
developments New Business Development
employee-benefit Employee Benefits
image-1 Strategic Planning
image-9 Leadership

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Your health is your greatest wealth!

Brent Smith -

You can learn more about Caregiving employee benefits from Sharecare by watching this short video

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Took a break during my morning bike ride to share with you one simple trick.

Brent Smith -

A few days without kids has my wife and I reflecting on our roles in developing mental hygiene for our family. Took a break during my morning bike ride to share with you one simple trick that has helped my household be more mindful.

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