How Resiliency Overlaps with a Commitment to Sustainability in Design
Sustainability, transparency, wellness and resiliency are the pillars of the green building world. Host Daniel Huard, the Godfather of Sustainability, collaborates with the experts around the world focusing on green design.
Built for Impact provides a new angle on the relationship between humans and the Earth—the spiritual one. Host Daniel Huard spoke with Tim Yearington, an indigenous educator and tribal leader. Yearington’s ancestral name is “Grey Thunderbird.”
Yearington offered feedback on Huard’s four pillars: sustainability, resiliency, transparency, and wellbeing.
On sustainability, Yearington noted it’s a human-made concept since the Earth sustained for some time without human intervention. “There’s plenty of evidence of what we’re doing collectively to the plant, and it’s not sustainable. Extracting resources to make money is a destructive force.”
Shifting to resiliency, which overlaps with sustainability, Yearington shared, “Our ancestors were more resilient. Going back to nature will teach us what it means. What you want doesn’t make you resilient, what you need does.”
Sustainability and resiliency both require transparency, which Yearington believes is just being honest as well as open-minded and -hearted.
The last pillar is wellbeing, and all four share equal space in the same circle. “It’s all connected and related. While we can use the resources of the planet, we breached the code with take, take, take,” Yearington said.
Everything that happens in the world by humans has an impact. Learning to live in harmony and appreciate the Earth could help achieve balance amongst the four pillars.