Material Handling Robots: Customer Testimonial

See Vecna Robotics’ material-handling robots in action, and hear from the people who work alongside them every day.

Find out how material-handling robots can provide key adaptability and reliable performance in a dynamic setting.

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Recent Episodes

The U.S. is facing a critical shortage of skilled tradespeople, a challenge exacerbated by limited early exposure to the trades in schools. With projections showing a steady decline in the availability of qualified workers to support infrastructure and construction, programs like those led by Evin Jarrett are stepping in to bridge the gap. His…

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming industries worldwide, and construction is no exception. As the construction sector grapples with increasing complexity, AI’s role in streamlining processes and enhancing decision-making is becoming more significant. But where does the industry stand now, and what does the future hold for  AI in construction? According to a McKinsey report,…

The HVAC industry has seen a number of changes in recent years. Many of those changes are due to technology and community increasingly intersecting, and professionals are finding that success lies not just in technical expertise but in the strength of relationship-building. Since automation and mechanical systems become even more complex, the need for…