Our DisruptED Food Supply with Cole Mannix at the Old Salt Co-op

June 14, 2024
Ron Stefanski


The global food supply chain is under intense scrutiny, with giant agribusinesses dominating the landscape and creating vulnerabilities in how we grow and distribute food. With concerns over sustainability, ecological impact, and the health implications of our food systems, the need for innovative and regenerative agricultural practices has never been more critical.

What does it take to create a sustainable, regenerative food system that nourishes people and heals the land?

Welcome to DisruptED, hosted by Ron J. Stefanski. In this episode, Ron sits down with Cole Mannix, President and Founder of Old Salt Co-op, to discuss the transformative potential of regenerative agriculture and the cooperative model. They explore how this approach can revitalize the food supply chain, ensure fair returns for producers, and foster a healthier relationship with the land.

Key Discussion Points:

  • Integrating livestock into ecosystems to enhance soil health, increase biodiversity, and create a sustainable food supply
  • Old Salt Co-op’s unique model ensures that more of the food dollar goes back to the producer, supporting better stewardship of the land
  • Through restaurants, festivals, and agritourism, Old Salt Co-op is building a community that understands and supports sustainable agriculture

Cole Mannix grew up on a family ranch in Helmville Valley, Montana. After studying biology, philosophy, and theology, Cole returned to his roots with a new vision for agriculture. He founded Old Salt Co-op to create a vertically integrated meat company that promotes regenerative agriculture and supports local ranchers. Cole’s innovative approach has gained recognition for its potential to transform the food supply chain sustainably.

Article by MarketScale

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