Excellence Culture – Brian Mosley

May 22, 2024

“I like your word excellence better than greatness, because you don’t have to sacrifice everything in order to be excellent” – Brian Mosley

Those were the words of Brian Mosley (President of RightNow Media) as we discussed the balance of family and leading an organization that is impacting people all over the world.

If you are a member of an evangelical church in America, there is a good chance your spiritual development has been nurtured by RightNow Media. Mine has significantly.

Listen as we talk about his personal story and the story of such an important organization. It’s impressive to hear how he has lead through the evolution of technology change, and world disrupters like Covid 19.

Brian, thank you for all you and your team does. It’s a blessing to my family and the world at large. Welcome to the #ExcellenceCulture.

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