How River Logic Empowers Companies to Discover New Markets

July 19, 2023


In today’s dynamic business landscape, finding new markets is crucial. We interviewed Carlos Centurion, President at River Logic, and Terese Hunwick, Supply Chain Vice President at Eco Material Technologies, to explore their streamlined approach. Technology and data analytics enable high-level market studies, gauging the impact of entry.

According to Carlos Centurion, the process has become remarkably streamlined compared to previous methods. With the advancements in technology and data analytics, businesses can now conduct a high-level study of a potential market by analyzing transportation rates, pricing, and performing a desktop review. This allows them to gauge the impact of entering that market on their overall business.

Terese Hunwick provides a compelling example of how this approach has led to exceptional profitability. By leveraging this powerful tool, her company identified and entered a previously untapped market. Astonishingly, the profitability of this new market is six times higher than the lowest-performing market for the same product. This highlights the immense potential and transformative impact that advanced market analysis can have on a business.

The ability to quickly evaluate and assess a market’s viability and potential profitability provides companies with a competitive edge. By leveraging data-driven insights and comprehensive analysis, businesses can make informed decisions and seize lucrative opportunities with confidence and speed.

The process outlined by Carlos Centurion and Terese Hunwick showcases the power of advanced market analysis in driving business growth and expansion. By harnessing cutting-edge technologies and analytical tools, companies can uncover untapped potential, maximize profitability, and stay ahead of the competition in an ever-evolving marketplace.

It’s clear that the days of cumbersome market research and speculation are long gone. With this revolutionary approach, businesses can now embark on new ventures armed with actionable data, enabling them to make strategic decisions and unlock unprecedented growth.

In conclusion, the process of finding, quantifying, and making decisions around new market opportunities has been transformed by advanced market analysis. Carlos Centurion and Terese Hunwick have unveiled a powerful tool that empowers businesses to evaluate new markets swiftly and open up untapped potential. By harnessing the potential of technology, data analytics, and comprehensive market research, companies can propel themselves into new realms of profitability and success.

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