Humanizing Communication at toth shop

February 9, 2023
Greg Crumpton


Sometimes the greatest inspirations occur in the wee small hours of the night. Time: 2 a.m. on May 23, 1912. Place: Hungary, the village of Paczin. Her decision was to leave the only home she’d ever known to escape an arranged marriage and the unsettling events in eastern Europe, soon to be engulfed in the war to end all wars. With no understanding of English and no friends or relatives in America to meet, Erzsébet Toth’s only inspiration was the desire for a better life. And in America, she found it.

Erzsébet Toth’s remarkable story serves as the spark of inspiration for her great- granddaughter, Meg Toth Seitz. Seitz never met Toth in life, but Toth’s spirit shines within and guides her professional and personal journey working with clients to focus on humanizing communication.

Providing a human voice to global communications is the heart and lifeblood of toth shop. On this episode of Staight Outta Crumpton, Meg Seitz, CEO of toth shop, shares her philosophy on this unique approach to humanizing communication. Show host, Greg Crumpton, and Gabrielle Bar wanted to know how Seitz helps her customers get their message out.

“If we are working with a business or a brand, we are helping them shape what communication looks like, sometimes daily,” Seitz said. “But mostly weekly, monthly, and quarterly basis. We will work a lot with their teams: communication, marketing, sometimes PR, in figuring out what the messaging is on that daily, weekly, monthly basis, so they are putting themselves out there as much as feels comfortable.”

Bar, Crumpton, and Seitz discuss…

● Why toth shop writes in lowercase letters

● Getting people’s attention through words and writing

● Experimenting and testing concepts, ideas, and writing approaches to find what resonates with an audience

“Sometimes clients work really hard on a piece, and they put it out there, and it doesn’t get the likes and the engagement, and that leaves people, and I think it’s natural; you feel a little insecure, or you’re disappointed, and I think for me, in those moments when it happens with a client, it’s coaching them to keep trying.”

Meg Seitz is a two-time Top Ten Peter Drucker Challenge Winner, Founder and CEO of toth shop, and Co-Founder of toth + fay. Seitz holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in English from Kenyon College and an MBA from Wake Forest University School of Business, as well as a variety of certificates ranging from high-performance mindset to crisis communications from institutions including Yale University, the Department of Homeland Security, and IDEO

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