Wine Investment Has a Promising Future With Technology Pushing it Forth

May 22, 2024
AJ Krow


Because investment opportunities are often shifting, wine investment is gaining some significant attention. With traditional markets experiencing volatility and uncertainty, investors are increasingly looking towards unique assets like fine wine and spirits to diversify their portfolios. The potential for appreciation over time, combined with the enjoyment of owning a tangible asset, has made wine a compelling investment choice. 

What is driving the surge in wine investment, and how is technology transforming this market?

In this episode of “Krow Knows,” host AJ Krow is joined by Anthony Zhang, co-founder and CEO of Vinovest, a leading wine and spirits trading platform that is revolutionizing the way people invest in wine and spirits, on this fascinating trend. They explored the intersection of technology and wine investment, discussing how Vinovest is democratizing access to this unique asset class and what the future holds for wine collectors and investors alike.

A few several points Krow and Zhang also discussed were:

  • How COVID-19 has impacted the wine and spirits industry, from prolonged supply chain issues to shifts in consumer preferences.
  • The current state of the wine market, including price corrections post-COVID and the factors driving volatility in rare and collectible wines.
  • How Vinovest is breaking down barriers to entry, making it easier for everyday investors to participate in the wine market.

Anthony Zhang is an entrepreneur. He is the CEO and co-founder of Vinovest. Based in Southern California, his journey in entrepreneurship began during his freshman year of college when he successfully launched his first startup. With a passion for alternative assets and a love for fine wine and whiskey, Zhang has built Vinovest into a sophisticated platform that brings transparency and accessibility to wine investment.

Article written by Alexandra Simon.

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