From Classroom Insights to Academic Research with Young-Suk Kim

August 10, 2023


The intricate dance between the theoretical world of academia and the practical realm of classroom teaching is an ever-evolving journey, as highlighted by the insightful words of Young-Suk Kim from UC Irvine School of Education. As she reflects on her transition from teaching to academic research, Kim emphasizes the importance of bridging the gap between research and practice. This involves not only making research accessible and digestible for educators but also providing systematic, ongoing support, like coaching, to help them implement new knowledge.

With teachers being at the heart of education, facilitating their continuous growth and learning is paramount. Now, to explore this intersection of academic research and practice, let’s hear more from our esteemed guest, Young-Suk Kim, on this episode of Scholarus, hosted by Anthony Kim, Founder and CLO at Education Elements, A Scholarus Learning Company.

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