Championing Change: How Raptor and ‘I Love U Guys’ are Making Schools Safer


In the ever-evolving landscape of school safety, proactive measures, grounded in technology and community collaboration, are not just an advantage—they’re essential. Strategic partnerships that bridge the gap between nonprofits, for-profit organizations, educational bodies, and government sectors are the unseen heroes, paving the way for enhanced security in our educational institutions. One such alliance, which exemplifies the power of such partnerships, is the heart-rending yet inspiring liaison between Raptor Technologies and The “I Love U Guys” Foundation. Their mission, fuelled by the tragedy of a high school hostage crisis, and sustained by the legacy of a last text message from a daughter to her parents, stands as a beacon of hope. Today, their union is pioneering a curriculum development program that integrates Raptor’s reunification technology into the Foundation’s safety training aimed at making schools safer— an initiative that propels communication, accountability, and process efficiency to new heights. The joint venture now offers two reunification exercise variants, marking a new era of comprehensive and coordinated school safety exercises. Among the champions of this monumental effort is John-Michael Keyes, Executive Director of The “I Love U Guys” Foundation, whose relentless dedication is making schools safer.

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