Re-Skilled GED Learners: The Future of Corporate America


This episode of Education Unplugged explores the transformative power of upskilling and the role re-skilled GED learners can play in the technology sector are explored. With a growing trend towards skills-based hiring, the tech industry is opening doors to non-traditional education paths, like the GED, leading to lucrative careers.

Host Vicki Greene, the CEO of GED Testing Service, discusses with guest Cia Kouparitsas, Chief Customer Officer at WithYouWithMe, the critical importance of diversity and inclusion in technology. The discussion covers how the 1000 Futures initiative creates meaningful employment opportunities for GED graduates across the United States.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Unique Strengths of Re-Skilled GED Learners: Re-skilled GED learners bring resilience, determination, and incredible potential to the workforce. Non-traditional paths equip these individuals with unique strengths essential for thriving in the tech industry.
  • Shifting Hiring Practices: Companies are moving away from traditional hiring practices to embrace a skills-based approach. This shift recognizes the potential of GED learners and provides them with opportunities previously inaccessible.
  • Success Stories: Inspiring stories of GED graduates who have transformed their lives through tech apprenticeships demonstrate the impact of this skills-based approach. These narratives highlight how re-skilled GED learners significantly contribute to their new careers.
  • The 1000 Futures Initiative: This initiative aims to secure 1000 meaningful jobs for GED learners in every major U.S. city. It focuses on aligning the career aspirations of learners with organizational needs, fostering a path to success for both parties.
  • Practical Steps for Employers: Employers can get involved by adopting inclusive hiring practices, supporting upskilling programs, and investing in the next generation of tech talent. This commitment can significantly enhance the diversity and innovation within their organizations.

Take advantage of this enlightening discussion on the future of work, the value of diversity, and the power of investing in human potential. Tune in to learn how you can be part of this exciting movement and help shape a brighter future for GED learners and the tech industry alike.

Article by MarketScale

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