Utilizing LED Displays in Higher Education
Ryan Wilhelm, Southeast Regional Sales Manager for Unilumin, Kris Mosser, Project Manager for Team Verticals at Spinitar, and Shaun Devault, System Designer at Spinitar, spoke about their respective companies’ roles in providing state-of-the-art LED solutions for the higher education market. Unilumin is the manufacturer of the LED solutions, and Spinitar is the integrator who implements them.
“What’s really big in higher ed right now is the gaming world, esports and gamification,” Wilhelm said. “They are putting in big LED boards, and people can use these. They can plug in their Xbox and have tournaments on there.”
It is also a great place to gather and watch an event, such as the Olympics. “We used to do video boards and video walls for digital signage,” Mosser said, “but as technology has matured and prices have come down, we started switching to direct-view LED.”
“The big thing is the ability to put these LED walls in places that previously were more cost-prohibitive,” Devault said. “It presents the opportunity for us to present clients with the opportunity to have this impressive large-scale screen, seamless with high brightness and content, that can be attractive to the students for delivering the right content in the right situation.”
And with athletics programs an integral part of many colleges and universities, it’s critical to support those endeavors with state-of-the-art technology.
“The fan experience from the sports side of things is truly phenomenal,” Wilhelm said. “It’s progressed from the old-school scoreboard to elaborate videos.”
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