CAPEX vs. OPEX Tracker Costs for PV Power Plant Projects
On this episode of Track to the Future, an Array Technologies podcasts, representatives of Array and RINA Consulting teamed up to explore CAPEX vs. OPEX tracker costs for modern utility-scale PV power plant projects.
RINA Consulting is an international, independent engineering consultancy providing expert services in a wide range of industries, including energy.
Jose Luis Galo Ibañez, Lucas Creasy and Travis Rose joined host Tyler Kern to dive into that CAPEX vs. OPEX discussion, outlining how different projects approach finding a balance between upfront spending and spending over the life of a project for maintenance and more.
RINA conducted an independent, multi-year research project to draw some conclusions about estimating operational cost for plants using single-axis trackers and more, providing some key insights that can help plant stakeholders make the right decision for their project.
“It was a long process,” Galo said. “The original idea was to define a reasonably simple model to allow for quick lifetime cost estimation, but it wasn’t so simple to find a wide enough, yet simple enough model.”
In the end, though, the companies crafted a comprehensive model that will help stakeholders understand the importance of conducting an OPEX assessment when selecting technologies and gain critical visibility into costs.
This reinforces Array’s commitment to providing key information and foundational knowledge for PV project stakeholders, who can then leverage that information to make the best direction for their plant and choose the best technology and partners to help make that vision a reality.
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