Carevive ACCC Business Summit

January 1, 2023

Carevive made a significant impact at the ACCC Business Summit held in Washington DC. John Elliott, representing Carevive, expressed excitement about being present at the in-person conference and highlighted the organization’s dedication to improving patient outcomes and experiences. Carevive’s partnership with UT-Austin Dell Medical School Cancer Institute was a key focus, promising exciting developments in the coming years.

Partnership Announcement and Future Prospects:

Carevive unveiled its partnership with Care About, generating anticipation and enthusiasm among attendees. The collaboration promises to deliver remarkable advancements in patient care. Tomorrow’s presentation on the evaluation of Carevive’s integrated person volunteer program further piqued interest, and attendees were urged to log into the Life’s platform for future updates.

Sessions and Insights:
The ACCC Business Summit offered a range of sessions focused on enhancing asthma care, utilizing data for improvement, and enhancing the patient experience. Carevive participants eagerly looked forward to Thursday’s session and expressed their commitment to keeping attendees informed in real-time.

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