Health in A Rock ‘n’ Roll World with Jaret Reddick of Bowling for Soup


It’s the first video episode of “I Don’t Care” and we’re starting strong! Join Kevin as he talks with Jaret Reddick, the founder, lead singer, guitarist and songwriter of Bowling for Soup.

Jaret takes Kevin through his long battle with depression, including the struggle of just talking about it out in the open, and the effect it was having on him while he was on the road touring. “You never know what somebody is dealing with internally.” Jaret notes that, while he was initially afraid of what people would say when he revealed his internal struggles, the reaction he gets more than anything is gratitude for his willingness to speak on it.

The two also talk about how the current pandemic is affecting mental health, Bowling for Soup, and the music industry. For Jaret, who is used to being constantly busy and productive, the sudden halt to activities and cancellation of shows has left him with an empty calendar and a bout of anxiety. To battle this, he’s streaming live shows for his fans and for charity with a blistering prolificity. Also, fans of Bowling for Soup will be happy to learn that the band is gearing up to record their next album in September!

Catch all this and more in one piping hot debut of I Don’t Care soup! 

Catch up on previous episodes of I Don’t Care with Kevin Stevenson!

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