Revolutionizing Healthcare Instrument Tracking: A CensiTrac Success Story

June 7, 2023

In this customer story from Censis Technologies, Angela Sullivan, the Interim SPD Manager at St. Michael Medical Center in Silverdale, Washington, shares her experience with CensiTrac, Censis’ tracking system. St. Michael Medical Center is a sizable hospital with multiple departments, including orthopedics and the main operating room, each with a unique set of instruments.

Angela emphasizes the crucial need for instrument tracking, particularly during surgeries, where it’s vital to quickly locate sets or identify if a set has been contaminated or is missing components. CensiTrac provides a solution to this challenge. With CensiTrac, staff can effortlessly access count sheets, whether they are in the assembly area, the operating room, or when assembling case carts. This streamlines the process, eliminating the need for phone calls or manual searches.

She highlights that once you experience the convenience of a system like CensiTrac, reverting to handwritten paper records becomes undesirable. The ease of accessing the system through a computer, logging in, and instantly finding the required information is a game-changer. CensiTrac puts all the necessary information at your fingertips, eliminating the time-consuming task of searching for different items and enhancing the overall efficiency of instrument management in a healthcare facility.

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